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How many types of operating system?

There are several types of operating systems, each designed for specific purposes. Here are some common types:

1.Single-User, Single-Tasking - Examples - MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System)

2.Single-User, Multi-Tasking -
 Allows a user to run multiple applications simultaneously.
 Examples - Windows, macOS.

3.Multi-User -
 Supports multiple users accessing the system at the same time.
 Examples - Unix, Linux.

4.Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) -
Designed for systems that require immediate and predictable responses.
Used in embedded systems, robotics, and industrial control systems.
 Examples - VxWorks, QNX.

5.Distributed Operating System -
  Spreads tasks across multiple computers connected by a network.
  Enhances resource sharing and improves performance.
  Examples - Amoeba, Google Fuchsia.

6.Network Operating System (NOS) -
  Manages network resources and provides services to other computers in the network.
  Examples - Novell NetWare.

7.Mobile Operating System -
 Specifically designed for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
  Examples - Android, iOS.

8.Embedded Operating System -
 Optimized for embedded systems, often with limited resources.
 Used in devices like routers, smart TVs, and IoT devices.


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